Saturday, March 22nd at 8:00pm    

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

The second concert of NWCC's season celebrates the poetry and legacy of Walt Whitman, 170 years after the initial publication of Leaves of Grass. The wide-reaching influence of his prophetic vision of America, democracy, and humanity will be on display with works by Norman Dello Joio, Stacy Garrop, and Robert Maggio, among others.

Be sure to stop by Phinney Books and the Greenwood Branch Library in March to see their Walt Whitman displays!


VIP Ticket

VIP tickets include a copy of Leaves of Grass (Penguin Classics, 1855 Edition), reserved seating at the concert, and a presentation from Artistic Director Jeremy Edelstein to get a behind the scenes look at the programming for this concert on Saturday, March 8th beginning at 2pm at Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church. Coffee, tea, and cookies will be served.

(+ $0.00 fee)

General Admission

(+ $0.00 fee)

Student age 6-18

(+ $0.00 fee)

Pay What You Can Ticket

Suggested Price: $27

Pay What You Can Ticket

Suggested Price: $27

Total: $0.00

Can you make an additional donation to our program?

Our organization relies on the generosity and support from our community. Your optional gift will advance our program to bring the joy of choral music to more people.



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